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Nice space invader type game.

1. 1st level to hard to start with.

    slow the invaders up (increase the speed with each wave or 2)

    not so many bullets from the invaders (increase with each wave)

Heaps of things you can do. Check out the other space invader type games like Gyrus, Galaga etc. Mix it up a bit every 5 or 6 waves.

Introduce powerups or helpers to make it more interesting.

Nice start.


Really great game design, good job!

I would suggest to show some sort of level-end-screen in-between levels (where you just show the scores so far, maybe with a rating, whatever...) just to interrupt the game pace for a short moment so the player can breath for a short moment (and you, as a game designer, acknowledge the player has made it to this point).

And maybe ramp up this game profile a bit with screenshots, video or gifs. The game deserves more players.

Thanks man!! For a first game published I am glad some people enjoy it. I am creating a large group of games in an arcade style environment. Where you can enter the machines, that was the first one I did for it. I'll upload some more screenshots to give it a better look :)